Monthly Club Meeting

Monthly meeting to announce the latest club news, competition wins, upcoming events and happenings.

It’s also an opportunity to share some of your brews with the rest of the club and get feedback as well as taste other club members’ brews.

We welcome all visitors interested in the club. Bring homebrew if you have it and want to share.

This month’s meeting will be at Bubblehouse Brewing in Lisle. Their taproom doesn’t serve food, but you may bring your own. Bubblehouse is normally closed on Tuesdays, and they’re opening exclusively for us, so please help us make sure it’s worth their while.

Boneyard Brew-Off

Boneyard Brew-Off competition at Triptych Brewing in Savoy, IL, near Champaign/Urbana, sponsored by the BUZZ homebrew club. Additional judging dates during the preceeding week. This competition was the model for the Drunk Monk Challenge. Judges will receive complimentary breakfast, lunch, drink ticket, and judge gift. The competition will be e-judged using web-based Beer Awards Platform software, so you’ll need to bring a device with a web browser.

AHA National Homebrew Competition 1st Round

Regional judging of the 1st Round of the AHA’s National Homebrew Competition. The judging this year is organized by UKG, BOSS, Brixie’s Brewers, CHAOS, Square Kegs, and other Chicago-area clubs. Judging will be at Dovetail Brewery, 1800 W Belle Plaine Ave in Chicago. This competition is always short of volunteers, so please consider judging or stewarding if you can. Judge and steward registration will be available soon. Times shown here are tentative.

UKG Social Afternoon

UKG Social Afternoon at the new Bartlett location of More Brewing, 121 Railroad Ave in Bartlett. It’s across the street from the Bartlett Metra MD-W station, and you can park in the commuter lot on Sundays. This location is a brewpub serving a full menu alongside dozens of taps, can/bottle pours, and drink specials.

UKG Brew-In!

UKG Brew-In at Tim Devitt’s house, 1675 Whispering Oaks Dr in West Chicago.

Visitors are welcome to bring their own equipment and brew a beer, or just come and observe. Bring your own food; there will be a grill available for everyone to use. We will start at 9:00am, and everyone must be finished by 4:30pm.

What to bring:

Burner, propane, pots, buckets, carboy, ingredients, hops, chair, etc.
Your own meat and fixings for the grill.
Homebrew, of course!


Space to brew in garage.
Hose and water for chilling.

Drunk Monk Challenge

26th annual Drunk Monk Challenge, the UKG’s own homebrew competition, at Midwest Homebrewer of the Year and Circuit of America.

8:00am:  Organizers and stewards arrive.  Breakfast is served.
8:30am:  Judges arrive.  Please be on time!
9:30am:  Morning judging session.
11:00am:  Lunch is served.
12:00pm:  2nd judging session.
2:30pm:  Best of Show and Menace of the Monastery judging.
3:00pm:  Raffle.
5:00pm:  Awards ceremony.
6:00pm:  Cleanup (organizers and stewards).