UKG Annual Holiday Party
December 16 @ 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Tentative UKG Special Holiday meeting, 6:30pm at Two Brothers Roundhouse. From the entrance, walk to the left all the way to the end, and take a left before the main banquet room and proceed upstairs. (An elevator is also available.)
A limited buffet will be provided.
You can pay your membership dues for 2026 at this meeting, $20 cash or check payable to UKG. You can also pay online using this link.
If you’re participating in our Christmas Brew Roulette, bring a 6-pack of your beer, mead, or cider (all the same brew) to this meeting. The brews will be reshuffled and you will leave with a mixed 6-pack of other participants’ brews. It’s best to label your brews, but we’ll distribute a key to all the brews after the meeting.
This event replaces both social afternoon and the regular club meeting for this month.