Urban Knaves of Grain (UKG) Meetings

UKG monthly meetings, for the most part, are held on the last Wednesday of every month. In November and December, the meeting is usually moved 1-2 weeks earlier due to the holidays.

The meeting location is Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery, 28256 Diehl Rd. in Warrenville, IL; map here.  Rock Bottom is conveniently located across the parking lot from the movie theaters at the corner of Diehl Rd. and Winfield Rd., adjacent to the Winfield Rd. exit of the I-88 tollway.  We meet in the upstairs loft area.

Our meetings start at 7:00 p.m. with an optional technical session.  The topic varies from month-to-month and may include brewing equipment/techniques, troubleshooting, beer styles, or beer judging practice.  Topics are announced on the website calendar and on the UKG email list a week or two before the meeting.

The main part of the meeting begins at 8:00 p.m. with brief announcements and/or a discussion of club business. Sometimes, we'll have a scheduled event such as a speaker, or a mini-competition to select a club-only entry for a larger competition. But, most of the time, the rest of the meeting is unstructured. We socialize, meet new friends and old ones, taste each other's latest brews, and trade advice.

Everyone, members or not, is welcome at our meetings. You don't have to be a homebrewer! Even if you're only thinking of brewing your first beer, stop by and let us help you get started.

There is only one VERY IMPORTANT rule: absolutely NO commercial beer may be brought to meetings. You can bring all the homebrew you want but, no commercial brews. Check out Rock Bottom's tap lineup instead.

Please support our former host, John's Buffet in Winfield (27W482 Jewell Rd.; map here).  John's Buffet hosted the UKG at no charge from April 1995 until we finally outgrew their meeting room in February 2011.  It has been a great relationship and we owe them a huge debt of gratitude.  They have two bars, an outdoor biergarten, a great pub menu, and an outstanding selection of beers on tap.  Please give them your business.

UKG Social Nights are held on the 2nd Saturday of every month at 7:30 p.m. The location changes from month-to-month and is announced on our calendar and at the monthly meeting. We look for brewpubs and draft beer bars with outstanding selections all around DuPage, Eastern Kane, and Western Cook counties. Occasionally, we will substitute another event, such as a pub crawl, for Social Night.

UKG board meetings are held periodically, depending on the business at hand. Most often they're at Rock Bottom an hour or so before the club meeting.  Board meetings are open to all members but, in order to help move things along so we can all go have a beer, we ask that non-board-members only attend if they have an issue to bring before the board. Please for more information.