Urban Knaves of Grain (UKG) Calendar of Events

These are the events we've got planned as of November 16, 2011:

Nov. 30
Note new day, Wednesday!

UKG monthly meeting at our new home, Rock Bottom, 28256 Diehl Rd. in Warrenville; map here.

7:00pm:  technical session:  tasting of Dubbels from the latest UKG brewing project.

8:00pm:  main meeting.

Dec. 10 UKG Social Night, details TBA.
Dec. 14 or 21
Note date change due to Christmas!

Special holiday UKG monthly meeting, 7:00pm; location and details TBA.

Jan. 14 UKG Social Night, details TBA.
18th annual Boneyard Brew-Off, sponsored by the Boneyard Union of Zymurgical Zealots (BUZZ), in Urbana.  Features the No One Gets Out Alive high-gravity category (for beers, meads, or ciders over 1.070, judged hedonistically).  A qualifying event for the Midwest Homebrewer of the Year.  Judge social on Friday night, and backyard barbeque immediately after.  This competition was the inspiration for our Drunk Monk Challenge, and BUZZ judges are regulars at all Chicago-area competitions.  It will move to January this year from its usual spot in June.  Details TBA.
Jan. 21 CBS Brewpub Shootout.
Jan. 25

UKG monthly meeting at Rock Bottom, 28256 Diehl Rd. in Warrenville; map here.

7:00pm:  technical session

8:00pm:  main meeting.  Tentative:  Club-Only Competition:  selection of the UKG entry for the AHA's Dark Lagers competition.  BJCP styles:

  • 4a Dark American Lager
  • 4b Munich Dunkel
  • 4c Schwartzbier
Jan. 28 Winter Brewing Competition, the first competition sponsored by the new Square Kegs homebrew club on Chicago's north side, 8:00am at Dank Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave. in Chicago.  Online entry and judge/steward volunteer system opens Dec. 5.  Entry deadline is Jan. 15.  For questions, contact judge coordinator Gary Gulley.
Feb. 11 UKG Social Night, details TBA.
Feb. 29

UKG monthly meeting at Rock Bottom, 28256 Diehl Rd. in Warrenville; map here.

7:00pm:  technical session

8:00pm:  main meeting.  Club-Only Competition:  selection of the UKG entry for the AHA's Stout competition.  BJCP styles:

  • 13a Dry Stout
  • 13b Sweet Stout
  • 13c Oatmeal Stout
  • 13d Foreign Extra Stout
  • 13e American Stout
  • 13f Russian Imperial Stout
Mar. 4 Unpacking of entries for the Drunk Monk Challenge, 1:00pm; location TBA.  Lots of volunteers needed!  Bring a box cutter and some 6-pack carriers if you can.
Mar. 9 Judging of meads and ciders for the Drunk Monk Challenge; location TBA.  Schedule:

6:00pm:  Organizers arrive.
6:30pm:  Judges arrive.
7:00pm:  Judging begins.

Please be on time!  Everyone has to wait until the last judge arrives.  The sooner we finish, the sooner we can move on to the party.

Party for judges, stewards, and all other volunteers for the Drunk Monk Challenge, 7:00pm onward; location TBA.  UKG members:  contributions of homebrew (especially draft) and food greatly appreciated!
Mar. 10 14th annual Drunk Monk Challenge, the UKG's own homebrew competition; location TBA.  This competition counts toward the Midwest Homebrewer of the Year and MCAB XV.

8:00am:  Organizers, stewards, and out-of-town judges bringing entries arrive.  Breakfast is served.
8:30am:  Judges not bringing entries arrive.  (Local judges may not walk in entries.)
9:00am:  Morning judging session.
11:30am:  Lunch is served.
1:00pm:  Afternoon judging session.
4:00pm:  Menace of the Monastery and Best of Show judging.
5:00pm:  Raffle.
6:00pm:  Awards ceremony.
6:30pm:  Cleanup (organizers and stewards).

March 10 No UKG Social Night this month.
March 28

UKG monthly meeting at Rock Bottom, 28256 Diehl Rd. in Warrenville; map here.

7:00pm:  technical session

8:00pm:  main meeting.

April 14 UKG Social Night, details TBA.
April 25

UKG monthly meeting at Rock Bottom, 28256 Diehl Rd. in Warrenville; map here.

7:00pm:  technical session

8:00pm:  main meeting.  Club-Only Competition:  selection of the UKG entry for the AHA's Scottish and Irish Ale competition.  BJCP styles:

  • 9a Scottish Light 60/-
  • 9b Scottish Heavy 70/-
  • 9c Scottish Export 80/-
  • 9d Irish Red Ale
  • 9e Strong Scotch Ale
May 12 UKG Social Night, details TBA.
May 30

UKG monthly meeting at Rock Bottom, 28256 Diehl Rd. in Warrenville; map here.

7:00pm:  technical session

8:00pm:  main meeting.

June 9 UKG Social Night, details TBA.
June 27

UKG monthly meeting at Rock Bottom, 28256 Diehl Rd. in Warrenville; map here.

7:00pm:  technical session

8:00pm:  main meeting.

July 14 UKG Social Night, details TBA.
July 25

UKG monthly meeting at Rock Bottom, 28256 Diehl Rd. in Warrenville; map here.

7:00pm:  technical session

8:00pm:  main meeting.  Tentative:  Club-Only Competition:  selection of the UKG entry for the AHA's Porter competition.  BJCP styles:

  • 12a Brown Porter
  • 12b Robust Porter
  • 12c Baltic Porter
Aug. 11 UKG Social Night, details TBA.
Aug. 29

UKG monthly meeting at Rock Bottom, 28256 Diehl Rd. in Warrenville; map here.

7:00pm:  technical session

8:00pm:  main meeting.  Tentative:  Club-Only Competition:  selection of the UKG entry for the AHA's Light Hybrid Beers competition.  BJCP styles:

  • 6a Cream Ale
  • 6b Blonde Ale
  • 6c Kölsch
  • 6d American Wheat or Rye Beer
Sep. 8 UKG Social Night, details TBA.
Sep. 26

UKG monthly meeting at Rock Bottom, 28256 Diehl Rd. in Warrenville; map here.

7:00pm:  technical session

8:00pm:  main meeting.

Oct. 13 UKG Social Night, details TBA.
Oct. 31

UKG monthly meeting at Rock Bottom, 28256 Diehl Rd. in Warrenville; map here.

7:00pm:  technical session

8:00pm:  main meeting.  Club-Only Competition:  selection of the UKG entry for the AHA's Ant Hayes Memorial Burton (Olde) Ale competition.  BJCP styles:

  • 19a Old Ale
Nov. 10 UKG Social Night, details TBA.
Nov. 28

UKG monthly meeting at Rock Bottom, 28256 Diehl Rd. in Warrenville; map here.

7:00pm:  technical session

8:00pm:  main meeting.

Dec. 8 UKG Social Night, details TBA.
Dec. 19
Note date change due to Christmas!
Special holiday UKG monthly meeting, 7:00pm; location and details TBA.

Do you know of events that should be added to our calendar? Contact .