UKG bus pub crawl to Spike Brewing in Milwaukee, followed by 4 Milwaukee breweries: Lakefront Brewing, Mobcraft Beer, Indeed Brewing, and City Lights Brewing. This event is sponsored by UKG, Club Wort, and other Chicago-area clubs. Transportation will be by motor coach, which has a bathroom and will allow drinking beer onboard. You may bring … Continue reading "UKG Pub Crawl"
Monthly meeting to announce the latest club news, competition wins, upcoming events and happenings. It's also an opportunity to share some of your brews with the rest of the club and get feedback as well as taste other club members' brews. We welcome all visitors interested in the club. Bring homebrew if you have it … Continue reading "Monthly Club Meeting"
Judging of the Brixtoberfest competition, sponsored by Brixie's Brewers. Entries open July 15, max 240 paid entries. Judging will be at Imperial Oak Brewing, 501 Willow Blvd in Willow Springs. There will be additional judging sessions on Tuesday and Thursday.